
Candy Cane's

Christmas Village

Welcome! Hey, look... It's begun to snow! You'd better get inside a building, or you'll be chilled to the bone! Click a candle and away we go!
Town Square - Home of the Christmas Village Advent Calendar.
Orphanage - Adopt a Christmas critter.
Santa's Cottage - Have you been naughty or nice?
Mrs. Claus' Kitchen - Make some tasty Christmas treats.
Elves' Workshop - Crafts for the holiday season.
Candy Cane's Cottage - Visit my house and have some fun!
Stables - Visit the reindeer at the stables!


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© CandyCane, Corp. All texts, HTML Codes, and graphics are protected unless otherwise noted. Thank you!

Lissa Explains It All provided the snow falling on this page. It also has tons of HTML help.

All of the graphics on all of my pages are from YuleLoveIt.Com and Santa's Page. Both of these websites are almost entirely user submission graphics and do not require a link back.

since November 25, 2000